Email Safety and Best Practices

It’s important that your personal information remains secure and safe and that you aren’t open to viruses or hackers. Here are some safety tips when using email: Change your password regularly and keep it in a safe place. Don’t share your password with anyone. Don’t open attachments from anyone you don’t know.

Two-Factor authentication  

  1. Twofactor authentication (2FA) is a security system that requires two distinct forms of identification to access something.
  2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) works by adding a layer of security to your online accounts. It requires an additional log-in credential beyond just the username and password to gain account access and getting that second credential requires access to something that belongs to you.
  3. 2FA is implemented to better protect both a user’s credentials and the resources the user can access.
  4. Two-factor authentication provides a higher level of security than authentication methods that depend on single-factor authentication (SFA), in which the user provides only one factor typically, a password or passcode.

How to avoid phishing emails  

  1. Do not click on suggested links: It’s advised not to click on any link offered through an email or social media messaging, even if you think you know the sender. Some phishing attacks are sophisticated enough to make the destination URL look like a carbon copy of a genuine site to record keystrokes or steal login/credit card information. If you feel it may be a legitimate link, go to the site straight through a search engine as opposed to clicking on the link
  2. Scrutinize the sending email address: One of the easiest ways to detect a scam is to look closely at the email address sending the message.
  3. Educate yourself on what phishing scams look like: If you know the signs, it’s easier to catch fraudulent messages. Staying up to date with this information is especially important if you own a business. Ensure your employees know what to look for.
  4. Scams are increasingly on the rise and typically occur via email, masked phone calls, pop-ups, or social media messaging.

Change password regularly  

  1.  Do not follow a set pattern while setting your password.
  2. It is better to be safe than sorry. Change your password more often than you think necessary. We live in a technology-driven world, and we spend a substantial amount of time on the internet.
  3. Protecting your data starts with securing passwords. Make sure your Passwords should have at least 12 characters that utilize uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers and special symbols.

Email etiquette on how to write a good email

  1.  Make your subject line brief but the clear, busy recipients may skip over an email with a generic subject line in favor of an email with a clear purpose stated in the subject line, or they may delete it as spam.
  2. Avoid being overly familiar. Being overly familiar demonstrates a lack of respect for the recipient, particularly if the email is regarding something professional.
  3. Briefly indicate who you are and how you know the recipient, don’t assume the recipient knows who you are if you’ve never met, or that they remember meeting you if your previous contact has been minimal.
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